Monday, March 9, 2009

Starting out....

So I decided in my never ending chaotic life to start blogging.. I tried writing in a journal but quickly found that as much as I am on a computer it would be best for be to blog. I have had many thoughts about blogging but was too afraid to take the here I am. This last year for me has been overwhelming to say the least. My life has changed more than I could have ever imagined. My purpose in starting this blog is to express myself in words, thoughts and feelings. I find that when I am able to communicate, it lessens the pain. So I am here to share my life and hopefully have the honor to have others share their life with me. I know I am not the only one out there who struggles with life, love, god and all the others things in this realm that sneak up on us. I will apologize now if my blogs make no sense.. I plan to release...release.. release and if that doesnt make sense sometimes.. its ok... I hope for a healing experience.


  1. Maria life has always thrown you crazy twists and turn but you have always remained strong throught them all. I know things are difficult now but you will come out of this a winner! You are always fighting fot yourself and your babies. I feel truly honored just having you as a friend.


  2. I look forward to getting to know you this time in your life!
